Thursday 21 February 2013

Celebrated Lunar New Year in Ipoh

Finally free to blog about my Chinese New Year post. Yay, this year celebrate Chinese New Year with my family in my hometown - Ipoh. Love my sweet home much. 
I took 11 days leave from 8th-18th to enjoy my New Year Holidays. Seriously not enough. T___T
8th Feb, my first day in Ipoh of 2013. Lol. Almost 3 months didn't go back since November. Beside shopping, we went to salon to had a new hair color also.

Sis after hair treatment

I didn't take any photo of my new hair color. One word - LAZY. Haha. At night, we be house cleaner together with mom. Dad, mom, sis and me. Bro didn't do anything. Everyday online games. =___=

**Skip the Lunar New Year's Eve**

First day of Chinese New Year. After breakfast went to granny home. OMG. So many puppies. I love puppy so much.
Zai Zai. He so cute.

Her name is Coco. Bobo's daughter.

It's Bobo lui. I have no idea why she so big size. =__=

Beside them, still got Mimi and Bonnie. Mimi is the eldest sister, Bonnie is no.2, Zaizai is Bonnie's son. They look alike. Haha. We call him sorzai cause he look so sor. Pity boy. Sis and me keep playing and take photo with those puppies. Reminded me the puppy I lost - Nicky BB. She's dead. BB, mommy miss you and love you forever. 

**skip other days** cause besides gambling still gambling.

Day 8 of Chinese New Year, 2nd last day of my holidays in Ipoh. Sob.
We went to Foh San Restaurant to had dim sum with lovely granny. After that she gave us angpao. It's 2nd angpao that we received from granny. So touched. I love you granny. Sniff sniff.
I invited her come our house to had dinner with us. Mom cooked a lot of dishes. I helped mom to prepare the ingredients of Lou Sang.

tataa. got abalones. I like it.

The photo was credit by my sis. Not really nice but better than Donghae Oppa. =___=
The look still okay right?? I'm not that pro but the taste very nice okay! Just too watery. Blekkkk.
We can't finish all the dishes after we ate the Lou Sang, too much. Still got dessert some more. >___<
My stomach like a big ball. SOB. Gain weight during Chinese New Year. Call me fatty please. T___T

Day 9 of Chinese New Year, which is last day of my holidays. Times flies. Afternoon we went to Yee Hup to bought something for my aunt.

Yee Hup Traditional Pastries

Charbroil Recipe Hiong Piah

Their stall got sell a lot of pastries, the most famous in Ipoh is Charbroil Recipe Hiong Piah. The taste is great! I bought 1 pack for colleagues too. After that we went to Funny Mountain to buy soya bean and tau fu fah. Another famous dessert in Ipoh.

Traditional taufu-fah & soya bean

Usually have to queue and wait a long time, but don't know why that day so lucky. No need to queue, no people eh. Lol. When my sis came back, I show her the BIGBANG seaweed. I said it's BIGBANG seaweed. You know what she answer me?? She said : cheh!!! not SJ seaweed also!!! LMAO. I'm totally speechless. =___=

Finally my holidays GONE. WHY??!! I don't wanna leave my hometown. T___T
Goodbye Ipoh and my lovely family. I'll be back soon. ^^

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