Sunday 27 January 2013

Girls' secret garden

I watched a video from BeautyQQ channel on youtube last week. It's talk about Lactacyd. So today I'm gonna blog about this too.

You use a shampoo to wash your hair, toothpaste for your teeth. What do you use to clean the most intimate and sensitive area of your body? Just a normal body shampoo? No! Your intimacy deserves to be protected everyday. Lets watch a video by BeautyQQ. ( not me !! )


 ( cantonese ver )

After 2 days, I got Lactacyd White Intimate for myself. Start using it from the day that I bought. You can get it at Watson.

Lactacyd White Intimate

Don't ask me how's the result. I don't know. LOL. I think it's better than you use normal body shampoo to wash right? Haha. Girls, you should get it for yourself too! Love yourself a little more.

Search for more information.

Just a short post. Bye~

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