Sunday 20 January 2013

Family Love

Long time didn't blog since 2009 I think. Now I'm starting to blog again. Hope you guys enjoy reading.

Blog about my family. Yea, they came to Singapore last year. December of 2012. My dad purposely went to renew his passport because of me. How sweet Mr Sam ! Love you to the max ! Haha. Dad, mom and sis came Singapore for 3 days. 14th-16th December 2012.

The first day, we went to Hong Xing Restaurant to had dim sum as breakfast. I don't like it actually. Not really nice and oily. After breakfast, we went to Chinatown shopping, didn't buy anything then go back home.

Blablabla, after finished dinner then we decided to go Orchard Road. It's so beautiful those Christmas threes. It's my first time. I like Christmas, cause can receive a lot present. My baobei saw Santa Claus but he left cause he got no more sweets ! She cried and said Santa Claus left already. Why she so cute !

So beautiful.

Ignore my pale face. Taken by cousin.

Then the 2nd day, we went to Sentosa. Actually we wanted to go Universal Studio but the ticket too expensive. So we changed our mind went to Under Water World.

So adorable. It's jellyfish. Pink color? No. It's the light effect.

After that, we watched a Dolphin Show before we meet my aunts.

Awww. I love dolphin. So adorable.

See the sea lion. She say hi to us !

Okay. The show was finished. We can have our lunch finally. We met aunts at Coca Restaurant in Sentosa to had steamboat as lunch. I like their chili sauce, so damn nice seriously. :p Nom nom nom, finished lunch then go somewhere walk around. My grandma, dad and mom went to Casino. Then me and my sis joined those kids to Candylicious.

Candylicious. Yummy yummy.

I didn't buy anything for myself cause I don't like sweet thing very much. Just bought some candies and chocolates for my sis.

Bennifer & baby Chloe

Keith boy doesn't like to take photo with girls

Spent the whole day with those kids so wasted. And I spent almost 800 bucks. Arghhh. But it's worth. As long my family with me.

Lastly, I wanted to say I LOVE YOU dad and mom. No matter what happened, they always stay by my side support me. Don't need to worry, I'm recover completely now. Thank you. I love you guys much.

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