Tuesday 2 July 2013

Souvenirs from Hokkaido

Colleague went to Hokkaido for Agent Farm Trip 5 days. She went to hot-spring for few times. And their foods is love!! All sashimi & seafood. Arghhh. I want too. I want seafood so badly. How I wish I'm the one to join the trip. It's okay. I'll visit there someday. Save money & work hard !! Gambateh !! Lol.

Biore Makeup Off + Face Wash Bubble

Green tea KitKat
Japanese Doll clip
Hokkaido Horse Oil

Thanks to my colleague. They're really useful. Especially the bubble face wash & horse oil. And the taste of the green tea KitKat is nice. I like it so much. I'm not a chocolate lover so green tea will be my love. LOL. I believe I'll visit there someday!! Next year is Taiwan. Woohoooo.

A super short update. Thanks for reading. xoxo 

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