Saturday 2 March 2013

Happy Birthday To Baby Sis

Time flies, today is the 3rd day of March, and it's my baby sis' birthday too! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU SIS. Sorry that I can't celebrate your birthday with you. Btw, I realized that we never receive any birthday present from our parents! Arghhh. Just a simple dinner. Hmmm. And my parents ALWAYS FORGET my birthday! Anyway, I'm a big girl now, won't cry anymore. LOL.

So cute right?? She makeup some more. LOL. She just 7 years old that time I think.

Cute girl ever. I like her smile.

Her first selca. HAHA. She used my mom's hp to took it by herself. She getting FAT that time. MUAHAHAHA.

Tadaaa. Do we look alike?? Btw, I miss my long fringe.

Saeng il chu ka hae ^^

Remember that I'll always be there for you no matter what. Be a good girl, concentrate on studies. And stay away from bad friends. You know what I mean. Lastly, I wanna say  YOU. Haha.

Birthday Present ?? Coming soon. If you pass all the subjects in your exam.

Stay Tuned... 

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