Wednesday 27 March 2013

My to-do list

I realized that I spent too much money recently. All spent on skin care products!!! I bought a lot of facial mask. I think more than 20 piece. LOL. Am I crazy?! I have to control myself to buying those stuffs. So I make a to-do list for myself. Let's see my list.

1. Save money
2. Travel to Korea before 2013 end
3. Go SS5 ( MUST!!! I'm still waiting the confirm date of their Super Show!!! So exciting!!!)
4. Blog more often
5. More concentrate on my job
6. Do exercise at least twice a week
7. Lost my weights and fats
8. Eat more vegetable and fruits
9. Drink 2 litter of water per day
10. Stop buying stuff

I'll try to do at least half or above. FIGHTHING !!!

Just a simple short post. >____<

fighting QianQian~!!!xoxo~

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