Wednesday 27 March 2013

My to-do list

I realized that I spent too much money recently. All spent on skin care products!!! I bought a lot of facial mask. I think more than 20 piece. LOL. Am I crazy?! I have to control myself to buying those stuffs. So I make a to-do list for myself. Let's see my list.

1. Save money
2. Travel to Korea before 2013 end
3. Go SS5 ( MUST!!! I'm still waiting the confirm date of their Super Show!!! So exciting!!!)
4. Blog more often
5. More concentrate on my job
6. Do exercise at least twice a week
7. Lost my weights and fats
8. Eat more vegetable and fruits
9. Drink 2 litter of water per day
10. Stop buying stuff

I'll try to do at least half or above. FIGHTHING !!!

Just a simple short post. >____<

fighting QianQian~!!!xoxo~

Tuesday 19 March 2013



Sunday 10 March 2013

Ssikkek 2D1N Korean BBQ Buffet @ Oriental Plaza

Hey guys, I'm back. Today gonna blog about foods. See my title upstairs? Yes, it's Korean BBQ Buffet. Finally I had my Korean foods with sis and cousin. Craving for it so so long. Sis and  cousin came my office wait me till 7pm.

Finally we reach here. The queue was so long. We waited for 15 minutes I think.


See how fresh of the BEEF. OMG.

Cousin took a lot of beef. And the tomato sauce. I like it.

Yummy yummy.

wa~neo-mu-ma-si-sseo. Means so delicious. Haha. So juicy and yummy.

Pork belly and beef. I don't like pork even though its highly recommended.

The price was cheap too. Only S$26+ for adult, S$16+ for child. Inclusive GST & service charge.You can take as much as you like. UNLIMITED. Arghhh. Super cheap !!! We ate till our stomach like a ball. Highly recommended their beef. So yummy and juicy. Slurppp. INFINITY HAPPINESS. You guys must have a try!

Ssikkek Korean BBQ Buffet
Tanjong Pagar (Main Branch) / Novena Ville / Oriental Plaza

Operating Hours
Lunch : 11.30am - 14.30pm
Dinner : 17.30am - 22.00pm

Oriental Plaza Branch
Add : 291 New Bridge Road, #01-01 Oriental Plaza, Singapore 088756.
Tel : 6225 6964

Thanks for reading.

Stay tuned...

Saturday 2 March 2013

Happy Birthday To Baby Sis

Time flies, today is the 3rd day of March, and it's my baby sis' birthday too! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU SIS. Sorry that I can't celebrate your birthday with you. Btw, I realized that we never receive any birthday present from our parents! Arghhh. Just a simple dinner. Hmmm. And my parents ALWAYS FORGET my birthday! Anyway, I'm a big girl now, won't cry anymore. LOL.

So cute right?? She makeup some more. LOL. She just 7 years old that time I think.

Cute girl ever. I like her smile.

Her first selca. HAHA. She used my mom's hp to took it by herself. She getting FAT that time. MUAHAHAHA.

Tadaaa. Do we look alike?? Btw, I miss my long fringe.

Saeng il chu ka hae ^^

Remember that I'll always be there for you no matter what. Be a good girl, concentrate on studies. And stay away from bad friends. You know what I mean. Lastly, I wanna say  YOU. Haha.

Birthday Present ?? Coming soon. If you pass all the subjects in your exam.

Stay Tuned...