Sunday 6 April 2014

Give me a better rival

I hear her name again
You are the one we love
I really don't care I am sharing you
I am not really bothered that your kiss has someone's impression
If this is a destiny you cannot escape
Please give me a better rival
At least let me enjoy the competition
At least to believe being abandoned has a reason

I hear her story again
You are the subject of our love
I am not really sad that I have to share all this with another
I am not really scared that your love has worries and cares
If this is a destiny you cannot escape
Please give me a better rival
At least let me enjoy the competition
At least to believe being abandoned has a reason

If I cannot avoid the ending, I will ask for a better rival
At least let me have a perfect jealousy
At least let me feel there is one worthy of my loneliness

I love you with the breath, the smiles and the tears of all my life.

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