Sunday 27 April 2014

Dear EX

Dear EX,

Since you wanted to know how's my life, so I'm going to tell you here.

I'm quite good here. I know you're not worried about me, just you're too bored and you got no gf, that's why you find me. Am I right? I don't really remember when we broke up, around November 2012 I think. After we broke up, my new life begins.

I met him on November 2012. He older than me 4 year-old, looking good and cool. He wanted to talk to me and be friend with me, but I'm just too sad during that time. So I didn't bother him. After that I transfer to another place, we didn't meet each other anymore. He tried to ask peoples but nobody know who he talking about, because he didn't know my name. After 1 year 4 months, we met again in a new place. We became friends - best friends - best buddy. And now, we are in relationship. I think we got fate. He likes ocean blue color, I like too. He likes sea, I like too. He likes me since November 2012. I'm glad that he still remember me and likes me even we didn't meet each other. I appreciated everything that he done for me. He loves me very much and I do too. I hope our love never end.

That's the story about he and me. I know somebody was checking my FB updates, and told you that I'm not happy. Thanks for caring but please don't do this again. Don't text, call and disturb my family anymore. IT'S VERY ANNOYING. I don't need any guy friend. Thanks.

Ms W.M.C

Sunday 6 April 2014

Give me a better rival

I hear her name again
You are the one we love
I really don't care I am sharing you
I am not really bothered that your kiss has someone's impression
If this is a destiny you cannot escape
Please give me a better rival
At least let me enjoy the competition
At least to believe being abandoned has a reason

I hear her story again
You are the subject of our love
I am not really sad that I have to share all this with another
I am not really scared that your love has worries and cares
If this is a destiny you cannot escape
Please give me a better rival
At least let me enjoy the competition
At least to believe being abandoned has a reason

If I cannot avoid the ending, I will ask for a better rival
At least let me have a perfect jealousy
At least let me feel there is one worthy of my loneliness

I love you with the breath, the smiles and the tears of all my life.