Monday 28 October 2013

A dream

I think all of you will dream while sleeping especially at night. But do you remember what you dream of? Some people don't remember, but sometimes feel why this scene like so familiar. I had a happy dream few days ago. The dream very clear and I felt so surprised !! Why?! Guess what I dream of?! I dream of my dad !! Huh?! So simple?! Nooooooope. I dream of my dad bought me a new phone! The new iPhone 5S! LOL!!! The first surprised. The second is?! We're moving to a new house! A big house like bungalow!!! We're not rich family, that's why I'm so happy. But after I woke up, nothing happen, and I'm still in Singapore, my phone still the same. It just a dream. A happy dream.

Dear myself, no sweet without sweat. Fight for your future! ❤❤❤

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